The New Normal, Online Sample Sales

The New Normal, Online Sample Sales

July 7, 2020

When the Covid -19 pandemic shut down in person Sample Sales, designers and manufacturers quickly moved online. But, even though originally temporary, Online Sample Sales are here to stay.

The scramble to move these sales online, had hurdles. Photos, measurements of each piece had to be taken or at least organized and online platforms had to be built with shopping carts if they didn’t already have them.

Warehouses were operating with smaller staffs on shorter shifts. Shipping companies like UPS were overwhelmed with the fast shift to online shopping. Shipping times increased and delays became prevalent.

Then of course, like all online shopping, you can’t really see the product or touch the product until you get it. With fashion, touch is important. Fit is important. Neither are absolute in online Sample Sales.

With discounts of 40-90% off retail, understandably, may of these sales had the same “No Returns” and “All Sales Final” policies as regular in person Sample Sales. For me, that issue had me often siding with caution, buying less or nothing at all.

The truth is Online Sample Sales are easier to shop than in person sales. You don’t have to drive, or worry about parking and you save time. Plus shopping while in your jammies, with a glass of wine in hand is very civilized.

However, missing in most online Sample Sales were the seconds, irregulars and actual rough samples that bargain basement shoppers love. Only while shopping in person can you tell if they will work or if the flaws make the piece too much to consider.

I love the experience of in person Sample and Warehouse Sales. That rush of getting a steal of a deal and a “prize” in hand is hard to duplicate online. So I had my doubts about their success.

But now several months into them, I have received good reports on the numbers these sales are doing. Many have done as well or better than their in person sales.

So I believe Online Sample Sales are here to stay. Not to say that when the dust settles, that in person Sample Sales will disappear.  They won’t. They just may not be as common.

So we will post them, so you can shop from the comfort of your bed and still save!