We’d love to Get Your Business Featured on BargainsLA!
On BargainsLA, all businesses, warehouse outlets and discount stores are researched by Suzanne to ensure they meet our requirements of “quality goods at a discount” before being featured.
Suzanne goes into each store and looks at price comparisons, quality and service.
We only recommend stores that meet our criteria and our readers know that. No one can just pay to be on the site.
If you have a business you feel that qualifies as a quality bargain source and is open to the public, please send us detailed description of your business and complete information including a contact name.
We will then stop on by and check it out – incognito of course.
If we like your outlet store, service or business and you meet our criteria, you’ll be invited to Get Featured On BargainsLA.
If you don’t meet our criteria, we won’t say anything publically and will give your store another chance or “look see” in a year.
We do our best to be honest in our reviews and Featured businesses coverage. We revisit or sources often to insure they continue to meet our criteria.