June 06, 2021
Midas Gold Group is Precious Metals dealer in Southern California.
Many of us during this pandemic were forced to stay home. With the extra time on my hands, I did a lot of research into economics and inflation. This is not my expertise. Nor something I wanted to learn about. But I researched, read and talked to a bunch of people.
Bottom line, the US government is printing money… a lot of it and they are giving it away to us in the form of stimulus. I’m not ungrateful for this, but our economy is weaker from the pandemic and the value of the dollar is uncertain at best. With inflation returning, Hubby and I started to really think about ways to protect our finances.
So this year, for the first time in my life, I thought about buying Gold and Silver. Not Gold Futures, IRA’s, Coins or Mining Company Stocks or Funds. Paper anything makes me nervous these days. But actual Bullion to protect our finances.
I started looking around the net to find a Precious Metals dealer. Jewelers and coin dealers are a plenty. But, I found three Dealers where you can actually go and buy physical Gold and Silver. One location was in deep Hollywood, one in DTLA and one in Thousands Oaks. I thought about walking in with cash and then out with bullion in those neighborhoods and decided driving out to Thousands Oaks was a better bet for safety.
That’s where I met the peeps at Midas Gold Group.
Straight forward people, they took us into their conference room show’d us what they had in. We bought what we wanted and left. Easy Peasy. A week later we ordered more and went in to pick up again.
Yes, there is a small mark up on each piece. But I figure they are allowed to make some money.
They offered to mail the gold to us when we told them how far we drove. But with all the Parcel thefts going on in our neighborhood, we didn’t want to deal with that worry. So, for us, the drive was worth it. But you can call in an order and drive to pick it up or have it mailed to you. So depending upon your perspective, this company can make it easy for you to acquire precious metals.
They offer other investment services if you want to go that deep. You can also buy coins and other precious metals, IRA’s and investments with them. But, for us we like to keep it simple with actually owning bullion.
To be clear, I don’t think of investments or bullion as a ”bargain” or a gold dealer as a “discount outlet”. But in times like these, we feel that a little precaution is a “smart bargain” if it protects your finances in the long term.
We liked this Precious Metals Dealer and feel we were treated fairly & professionally. They have and a terrific BBB rating. Midas Gold Group multinational company with US clients in all 50 states and physical headquarters is in Phoenix, Arizona.
After doing your own research, if you think it’s time to buy some metals investments, check ‘em out for yourself.
Ask for Ken or James. Tell ‘em Suzanne & Kevin from BargainsLA sent ya!
Midas Gold Group
100 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Suite 157
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
(805) 601-6000