June 21, 2021
Now that so much is open again, we were able to visit the Long Beach Flea Market on Fathers Day. My take on going and shopping this Antique and Collectibles Flea Market was pretty much the same as previous visits, but some things have changed.
This Flea is super fun to go to and there are some fabulous deals! Long Beach Flea Market has a huge array of vintage antique and collectible items at 10-70% below market prices. We got there at 9:30am and tried to systemically go down every aisle. The place was packed!
Up and down the rows we went. I spotted some stand out deals. Like a Mid Century, Danish, refinished dining table was over priced at $1000. Honestly, I initially thought that was too high and then looked at the brand and compared it to online sites. It was about 50% less. I still thought at a flea it should sell at about $800, but I didn’t try to negotiate. We picked up some folding TV tables for $20. That would run $30+ at an Estate Sale. PLus I spotted a cool console desk from the 1950’s for $125 instead of $250+. Some incredible vintage linens at $1-$50. A Victorian Bed side cabinet with marble was $235… just below market price. An antique marble top farm table was $275. I’ve seen these at upwards of $500. Market is more like $350.
What I really noticed here was the uptick in Vintage Clothing Vendors. Much more than I remember with several vendors selling some repurposed jeans at stupid low prices. One Vendor even had big cardboard boxes where you could dive in a rummage with prices starting at $1. A luxury brand handbag seller was swamped, so I couldn’t get prices.
Pricing for the most part was lower than I remembered with a few vendors asking what I considered to be high prices for early 2000’s fashions. I didn’t see any that had try ons.
One Vendor had some incredible, new gorgeous leather jackets for $125 that should retail at $350+! Since it was Fathers Day, I had hubby try on several. None fit him appropriately so we left disappointed we couldn’t find one.
Another Vendor had near mint Beatles LPs at $80-150. And another had Lego characters set up in Marvel Universe story scenes. Cool… but I didn’t get it.
At this Antique and Collectibles Flea Market, there were lots of smaller vintage collectible items in china, crystal, art, home decor and signage. Some unusual crafted home decor items and imported artwork and seating from Africa.
The succulent vendors were plentiful and cheaper than Armstrongs, but I still thought a bit high. Unless you’re looking for a harder to find varietal, I’d pass.
This sale is huge and it would take a good 4+ hours to view or shop every vendor. We spent 3 hours and then our tired feet made us bail.
The ever changing product and treasure hunting aspects of the Flea Market makes this a must shop… at least once a year!
A fun day out bargain shopping.
Long Beach Antique Flea Market
Long Beach Veterans Stadium
4901 E. Conant St., Long Beach CA 90808
Parking is Free, Entry is $8, Early admission is $12.
Next sale is July 18th, 2021
Don’t forget a hat, comfy shoes, water and if you have one, a cart to haul your treasures.
ATM’s nearby