The Fast Fashion Problem

October 6, 2021
Fast fashion has taken over many parts of our wardrobe. Fun, trendy and cheap, fast fashion is everywhere. But there is a steep price to pay for fast, cheap trendy clothing. Fast Fashion has a problem.
Fast Fashion is usually mass produced from lower quality fabrics and the product is often very trendy which means it’s usable “fashion” life span is very short.
A lot of product now is made from poly microfibers because cotton and natural fiber blends have become more costly. Microfibers are a petroleum by-product that can be toxic. Every time you wash these items, fibers come off, go through our waste water systems and end up in the ocean. These dangerous little fibers get caught up in the gills of fish eventually choking and killing them.
Then there’s the life span issue. You find a super cute dress or top at an incredibly low price at Target. You buy it, wear it a handful of times and then throw it out or donate to a charity. You think you’re doing good.
But charities get flooded with this type of fast fashion/ micro fiber product. Sadly, they throw a lot of it out because they have so much and the quality isn’t good enough to resell.
However, the aftermarket has gotten a bit better with some blended items being recycled for rags and knits. But again, poly microfibers end up in the landfill faster than natural products like cotton, wool, hemp and the like.
What we enjoy as good for our budgets, style and our egos is not good for the environment or ultimately us.
So how do we as “shoppers” address this? It’s simple…. Buy less cheap fast fashion and more better quality fashion.
Shop Resale and Thrift stores as often as you can. When buying new, look for clothing that has more natural fibers, and buy the highest quality garments you can, even if you have to buy fewer pieces.
Try to build a long term wardrobe instead of turning clothes over every season. And lastly take care of your clothes so they last longer. That’s what your Grandma did.
We can still all have wonderful, stylish wardrobes with a bit more thought put into our purchases.