15 Frugal Valentine Day Ideas

January 18, 2022
With an ever continuing pandemic, inflation and masks, Valentines Day this year may not a day you want to spend too much money on.
Fear not, you can be frugal Valentine without being cheap. The most important element in any Valentines Day gift are thoughtfulness, effort and time.
So may I suggest the following ideas or combinations:
1. If you want to go out, check Groupon for deals on restaurants, massages, cooking classes etc you can do together.
2. Instead of giving flowers, give a “live” flowering plant they can plant in their garden.
3. Deliver one long stemmed, red rose everyday to their office for a week. Labor intensive… but a great way to get your point across!
4. Go downtown to the Flower Mart and pick out a bouquet together with your love one. After you get home, follow up with a delectable meal.
5. Hide Valentines Day cards (hand made or store bought) in places where “he” or “she” will find them.
6. Create a Memories Jar together.
Write down some of your favorite memories of your time together on good quality paper. One memory on each piece. Then, fold each memory and put them in a wide top bottle or jar.
7. Memorize a Romantic Poem and deliver it at an appropriate moment.
8. Create a romantic dinner at home. Cook up a special menu and Dress for the occasion.
9. Learn “I love you” in as many languages as you can. Write them down in personal notes and deliver them with gifts of scented soap, lotions and bath oils…
10. Romantic coupon books filled with massages, star gazing, wine tasting and other romantic IOU’s.
11. Plan ahead to go out for a picnic. Load up on delectable gourmet foods from Trader Joes.
12. Surprise your loved one! Load up on dozens of candles from tapers to votives. (99 cent only stores). Light and set them around the house. When they arrive home from work, greet them with a glass of wine with the warm romantic glow from the candles.
13. Frame the lyrics to your wedding or special love song!
14. Make chocolate fondue.
15. Or wait till Feb. 15!
If you want to go big, but also spend less, just wait for Feb. 15! Valentine’s Day goodies go on sale the day after. Shop stuffed animals, flowers, chocolates, cards, and decorations at steep discounts.
The true art of romance is making someone feel special. It has nothing to do cost and has everything to do with making someone feel cared about. The little details, effort and thoughtfulness that go into your Valentine gift matter the most.