Love the outdoors, but not the price of the gear, try REI Online Outlet. This outdoor clothing and gear outlet for REI, saves you 20%-50% on quality outdoor apparel and gear. Respectable brands here include Merrell, North Face, PrAna, Outdoor Research, Keen, Kelty, Columbia, Sierra Designs and dozens more well know brands.
THere’s something for for every member of your family. The huge selection here covers outdoor hiking, camping, Mountaineering, Running, Kayaking, yoga, Ski & Snow, Cycling and more.
Anyone who has hiked, knows the importance of good shoes and they are plentiful here. So if you know the brands, you know the shoes. Merrell Men’s Waterproof hiking shoes that were $120 are $89. Women’s Siren Edge Q2 hiking shoes run $62-$66.73 instead of $95-$110. These are priced cheaper than at the Merrell physical Outlet in Ventura! Other solid buys include Men’s Merrell Moab Edge Waterproof hiking shoes for $76.73 instead of $110. Women’s Keen Mid WP Hiking boots are $124 instead of $179.
Trekking poles are $29.73 a pair instead of $39.95. A Kylmit Double hammock would make a fun addition to any camping trip at $64 instead of $90. A Klymit Double sleeping bag is $285 instead of $380. A Kelty Cosmic 40 Sleeping bag was $104 instead of $140. Darn Tough socks were here at $12.73 instead of $16 and women’s Smartwool chain link cable socks are $14.73 instead of $18.95. An Osprey Spin 22 Bike Commuter pack is $68.73 instead of $140. A North Face Metropolis Parka that was $289 is here at $216. A men’s North Face rain jacket that was$199 is here at $148 and Kamik Kids insulated pants were just $17.73 instead of the original $70. A Wide mouth water bottle was just $3.73. A Summit Sahara Hat was $23.73 instead of $35 and a Northwood seriesII, 2-person tent was $159 instead of $199.
You can nearly outfit your entire outdoor event at REI’s outdoor clothing and gear outlet, for less! A great resource for savings on outdoor and sportswear apparel and gear.
Visit Site: REI Outlet